Sunday, June 6, 2010

PIXAR exhibition on 3/6/2010

It meant no class day and generally we were all very excited; this was kinda like our first field trip in our 3 years of being stuck in school and it's PIXAR! So it was pretty awesome.
We went through the exhibitions and I was just blown away by the zoetrope in on of the exhibitions. It had the characters from Toy Story in it and each of the characters were sculpted many times, doing a cycle of an action, and when the zoetrope was activated, it started spinning slowly, then it gradually increased speed till our eyes were practically churning tears and then suddenly it became all too fast, a special light flashed on the zoetrope and we began to see what's happening, the whole thing came alive! We saw clearly what each character was meant to do, and we were awestruck. They were so cute, and just so alive. Heh.
We then went through the different exhibitions, and we really could see how much work, and effort artists put into their animation boards, 3D models, and their concept art, just so that we audience could have a real visual feast when each animation movie came out. After this, we really learnt how to appreciate animation films better, they are the results of pure sheer hard work.
Next we went to the screening of Toy Story 2! And I am ashamed to say that I have never watched it till that day, but no regrets, at least to be able to catch it once, is enough. The flow of the story was good, and adding in the comical characters, the movie was really made for success! It totally caught our attention till the end.

My favourite characters of Toy Story:

"You saved our lives, we are eternally grateful towards you."
Gets me everytime.

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