Thursday, April 29, 2010

The First class which was on the 22nd.

First lessons always make a deep impression on me, and this module was no exception.
We were shown how primitive the tools were for creating animation, the evolution of animation from the olden days, dating back to a century ago as well. We were also shown videos of primitive animation, they looked like fish out of water compared to the present. It was all simple sketches put together, but they are already considered stellar and impressive during those times. By then they had incorporated elements such as stop motion in their short films (refers to Emile Cohl's works since they were all drawn on a chalkboard) Can't help being fascinated. I mean those were the days after all. We were then shown the works of Winsor Mccay, an outstanding cartoonist and animator of all time; his artwork was amazing and he paid a lot of attention to his characters' facial details and such. To be able to pioneer animation films at that time was really quite a feat. He serves as an inspiration to all aspiring animators. Animation is really hard work but what you reap from working hard is definitely worth it. *remembers Year 1 Animation class*

This is one of the videos I chanced upon on Youtube. The many shorts of classic animations which were made in Japan, which I think also play a big part in kick starting careers of many prolific animators worldwide today.